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Pollution Info - Noise

Power boats engine noise


Power boat engine noise needs to comply the permitted noise levels and not cause a nuisance.


Permitted noise levels

Power boat engine noise on land

If power boat engine noise on land can be heard a premises between the following hours, the responsible person may be issued a fine or notice:

  • 7pm to 7am Monday to Saturday
  • 6:30pm to 8am Sundays and public holidays.


Power boat engine noise on waterways

Where a power boat is used for sporting activities on waterways during the following times, a fine or notice may be issued if noise can be heard at a premises continuously for more than two minutes:

  • 7pm to 7am Monday to Saturday
  • 6:30pm to 8am Sundays and public holidays.


How to reduce noise levels

You can help to reduce noise by:

  • limiting the hours of use
  • carrying out testing and maintenance away noise sensitive places (e.g. bedroom and office windows)
  • selecting a quieter model
  • staying away from premises and limiting time in one location when on a waterway.


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