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When do I need a building permit?

A building permit is also known as a building approval, building application, building certification, or building development permit. Development Permits for Building Work must be obtained for the erection, re-erection, change of use, underpinning, moving, demolishing, alteration and/or addition to buildings in accordance with the applicable regulations before the work commences.

How do I get a building permit?

For many years a building permit has been able to be obtained through the services of a Private Building Certifier as well as Council. All private building certifiers are registered by QBCC (Qld Building Construction Commission) like tradies, drafting services and builders to work across the state. They receive the building application, issue the building approval, perform the inspections during construction. Their documented work is lodged with Council for the permanent record. Council encourages the use of these private services which may be found through yellow pages, google searches or through the established networks that tradies, drafting services, engineers and builders already have established.

Forms - Building forms and guidelines | Business Queensland

Form 2D17129101DAForm2-Buildingworkdetails.docx ( is used for building works.

The State Government Form 19 used for seeking development information about a specific property should be lodged with Council using the Council Search Application.

Applications and Payments to Council

Applications can be lodged at Council Customer Services Centres in Esk, Kilcoy or Lowood. Alternatively, lodge the application electronically by email,, or surface mail to PO Box 117, Esk Qld 4312.

If you wish to pay your fees without attending a Council office, email your documents to Council's staff will then send you a specific payment reference number (Please do not reuse these reference numbers for other payments).


Information Sheets - Building