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Customer Service Requests


Did you know Somerset Regional Council has a streamlined, computerised system for making a customer service request?

A customer service request can be about anything from a pothole in your street to a noise issue.

Last year, Council received over 10,000 customer service requests.

Each request is logged into Council’s database and allocated a unique number so its status can be tracked.  Each type of request is handled differently, for example, a request concerning a wandering dog will be addressed immediately while requests needing inspection are handled on a priority system.

Once inspected, a works request will be given a rating from 1-5. If it is rated 5, work will begin immediately. A rating from 3-5 requires intervention and the work will be listed as part of Council’s ongoing capital works program.

There are a number of ways to make a customer service request (CSR), either by phoning in, emailing or writing a letter to Council.  Complaints will be treated confidentially, however intending complainants should note that Council may be obliged to disclose their personal details to an external body for investigation or under legal or statutory processes. Anonymous complaints will be accepted however it should be noted that anonymity may inhibit Council obtaining further particulars regarding the issue.

As Council receives thousands of customer service requests each year, it is not possible to call each person individually to advise of the status of each request. If you have made a CSR and have a CSR number, you are able to telephone Council and be advised of the status of your request.

The Somerset region is the largest local government area in southeast Queensland with an area of 5,379 sq km and it has the smallest rate base.