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Mount Glen Rock


The 127 ha property known as Mount Glen Rock was purchased by Somerset Regional Council on behalf of the community in 2020 for purposes of outdoor recreation and conservation. Mount Glen Rock is an iconic feature in the regional landscape and is an integral part of Esk’s identity. The property adjoins an additional 81 ha of reserve land for which Council is the trustee, making a total site area of 208.1 ha.

Mtgr and sct landscape


Mount Glen Rock will be developed and managed in line with below vision and mission.

Deliver a uniquely Somerset outdoor recreational experience, that connects the natural environment and scenic beauty of the site to a vibrant local community

Inspire Somerset residents and visitors to experience, admire and benefit from Mount Glen Rock

The project is overseen by the Mount Glen Rock Steering Committee, chaired by the Council CEO.

Community consultation regarding the project was conducted in 2022 and the high volume of feedback received will be integrated into detailed designs and management planning.

Council is ensuring that an understanding of the site’s cultural and ecological values is achieved before proceeding with the project. The following bodies of work have been completed to date:

Background Reports


DRAFT Master Plan

Cultural Heritage Assessment

A Cultural Heritage Assessment is scheduled to be conducted in early 2025.

Following completion of the Cultural Heritage Assessment, all reports, plans and community feedback will be considered as the project progresses towards a detailed design that strives to achieve a balance of all considerations.