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Pest Management


Restricted Invasive Animals

Invasive animal species of particular concern in the Somerset region include; wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes, rabbits, feral deer and feral cats. Landholders have responsibilities to control restricted invasive animal species on their property under the Biosecurity Act 2014. Visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website or invasive animal fact sheets pages for additional information.

Fire Ants

To report fire ants or to find out more on movement controls on fire ant carriers go to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

Council also offers pest programs to assist landholders in meeting their responsibilities.

1080 Baiting Program

1080 Bait Meat Subsidy Program

1080 Baiting Neighbour Notification Form

Dingo/Wild Dog Bounty Program

IPA Wild Dog Fact Sheet Control Planning Calendar

Feral Pig Panel Trap Program

Feral Pig Bounty Program

Trapping Program

Restricted Invasive Plants

Invasive plant species of particular concern in the Somerset region include; Honey locust, Parthenium, Fireweed, Hymenachne, Mother of millions, Annual ragweed, Giant rats tail grass, and African boxthorn. Landholders have responsibilities to control restricted invasive plant species on their property under the Biosecurity Act 2014.  Further information can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

Council also offers pest programs to assist landholders in meeting their responsibilities.

Chemical Subsidy Program

Equipment Hire Program

Quik Spray Hire Agreement Form

Wick Wiper Unit Hire Agreement F-588

Round 1 of Council’s 2024-2025 Lantana Chemical Subsidy Program is now closed.  A further round may be opened in the new year depending on remaining budget allocation.

Biosecurity Plan – Invasive Plants and Animals

Council has developed it’s Biosecurity Plan – Invasive Plants and Animals 2020-2025 in consultation with key stakeholders and the community. The plan is a requirement of the Biosecurity Act 2014 and sets out how Invasive Biosecurity Matter (weeds and pest animals) will be managed in the Somerset Region.