Fees and services for development applications can be found within Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Infrastructure Charges Register
The Infrastructure Charges Register (ICR) is published to comply with the requirements of the Planning Regulation 2017. The ICR contains details on (i) infrastructure charges that Council has levied on development approvals and, (ii) financial reporting on trunk infrastructure revenue and expenditure.
The infrastructure charges information is updated monthly and trunk infrastructure financial reporting information is updated quarterly.
To view an Infrastructure Charges Notice issued for Material Change of Use or Reconfiguring a Lot development approvals refer to eServices.
Access the Infrastructure Charges Register.
Access the Infrastructure Charges Revenue and Expenditure Reporting.
Infrastructure Charges and Charges Resolution
Council levies infrastructure charges in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act 2016, through a Charges Resolution adopted by Council.
The Charges Resolution sets out the requirements for new development to pay infrastructure charges for the local government infrastructure networks, as well as the process for obtaining offsets and refunds where a developer provides trunk infrastructure to benefit the wider community.
The local government infrastructure networks are stormwater, public parks and community land, and transport.
Eligible community organisations may receive reductions in infrastructure charges, where meeting the eligibility requirements identified within the Charges Resolution. The reduction will be assessed as part of a development application and will appear on an applicable Infrastructure Charges Notice.
Charges Resolution (No. 1) 2024 was adopted by Council on 14 August 2024 with a commencement date of 19 August 2024. This resolution applies to development approvals given from this date.
Details of charges resolutions are as follows:
Urban Utilities’ may also levy charges for water supply and sewerage trunk networks separate from Council. For more information, visit urbanutilities.com.au/development
Development Incentives for Tourist Accommodation
Council has introduced development incentives for new and expanded tourist accommodation offerings within the Somerset Region, by reducing or waiving infrastructure charges for Council controlled networks, up to $50,000 per development.
The incentive applies to the following land uses:
- Home-based business (Bed and breakfast only);
- Hotel (accommodation component only);
- Nature-based tourism (accommodation component only);
- Resort complex (accommodation component only);
- Short-term accommodation;
- Tourist park.
To be eligible to for the reduction in infrastructure charges, you must have a development approval that takes effect between 8 December 2021 to 30 June 2028.
Applications to receive the infrastructure charges reduction are to be made following the development approval taking effect but before commencing the use. Applications are to be made in writing, including an outline of how the proposal complies with the eligibility criteria.
This Infrastructure charge incentive is not available for reconfiguring land, for networks not controlled by Council, or for development applications made in response to enforcement action.
For more information, including the full criteria to be considered, refer to Council Policy PED/003 – Tourist Accommodation Development Incentivisation (Infrastructure Charges) Policy.