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Pollution Info - Noise
Amplifier devices
Amplifier devices, including the following, need to comply with the permitted noise levels and not cause a nuisance:
- loudhailer
- megaphone
- public address system, other than a railway
- remote telephone bell
- telephone repeater bell.
Devices used at indoor venues and entertainment events have different noise requirements.
Permitted noise levels
If noise from the amplifier device is audible at an affected premises between the following hours, the responsible person may be issued a fine or notice:
- 10:00pm and 7:00am Monday to Friday
- 6:00pm and 8:00am on Saturday, Sunday, or public holidays.
If you are using your device at other times, you need to ensure the noise level is no more than 10 decibels (A) above the background level.
How to reduce noise levels
You can help to reduce noise by:
- limiting hours of use
- selecting a quieter model or quieter equipment, (e.g. using a pager or replacing telephone repeater bells with a visual alarm)
- installing a solid fence or barrier
- choosing the device location carefully. Avoid placing near neighbouring bedroom windows, offices, multiple walls and corners.
This information is also available as an amplifier device noise fact sheet