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Community Assistance Grants


What are Community Assistance Grants?

Somerset Regional Council assists the community by allocating a set amount of funds, each financial year, to be distributed to various community groups and individuals through its Community Assistance Grants budget.

Who can apply for a grant?

Incorporated or auspiced community organisations (unincorporated/informal groups) can apply for a grant to assist with costs associated with projects, events, services or remission of some Council fees.

What sort of assistance can Council give?

Direct financial support may be available to community organisations.

What do the grants cover?

They assist with costs associated with projects, events, services or remission of some Council fees.

When can I apply?

Community organisations can apply for funding during open funding rounds. There are two funding rounds per financial year; the first round will also include applications for rates remission (for that financial year). Opening and closing dates for each round are advertised on Council's website and in various newspapers.

How can I apply?

Read Community Assistance Grant Policy to see if you are eligible. Complete the Community Assistance Grant Application Form and submit to Council before the funding round closes.

How do I know if I am successful?

Somerset Regional Council will advise each applicant, in writing, of the outcome.

Community Assistance Grant- Acquittal Form

Community Assistance Grants Funding Rounds 2024 - 2025

Round Closes Projects must not have a start date before:
Round one including rates remission

Open 8am Monday, 5 August 2024

Closing 5pm Friday, 30 August 2024

Friday, 27 September 2024

Round two

Open 8am Monday, 27 January 2025

Closing 5pm Thursday, 20 February 2025
Friday, 28 March 2025

Please note: Applications for remission of Council general rates are accepted in funding round one of each financial year. Community groups are also encouraged to submit applications for Christmas themed projects/events in round one 2024-2025 to ensure sufficient timing.

Somerset Excellence Bursaries

Somerset Regional Council assists residents who are selected to compete at a regional, state or national level in a competition or event, in an academic, cultural or sporting field.

Council assists successful applicants through its Community Assistance Grants budget.

The amount of financial assistance that may be granted depends on the level of representation. (Refer application form below for further information).

Council accepts applications for Excellence Bursaries throughout the year that are processed monthly.
However, applications must be received prior to the competition/event date to be eligible.

Download Somerset Excellence Bursary Application Form (PDF)

Download Somerset Excellence Bursary Acquittal Form (PDF)