Somerset Regional Council has commissioned a number of flood studies to assist in Planning and Disaster Management for the region. Council also receives studies and reports as part of its development approval processes. These can be viewed by entering the relevant folder below. The Queensland Reconstruction Authority commissioned a number of studies as a result of the 2010/11 Floods and have incorporated the results of these in an interactive website which can be found at

Council has extensive flood studies for Lowood, Fernvale, Toogoolawah, Esk and Kilcoy and these can be made available upon request. In areas outside the limits of the specific flood modelling undertaken through Somerset Regional Council, Flood Hazard Areas are sourced from the State Wide Queensland Floodplain Overlay mapping. Please make any request to or telephone Council on (07) 5424 4000.
The flood studies for Esk, Toogoolawah and Kilcoy have been provided as a joint initiative between Somerset Regional Council and the Queensland Government.
For more information on the Brisbane River Catchment Study, please visit