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Cats and dogs

Cat and dog enclosures


Why provide an enclosure on my property?

Enclosures protect your animals from the dangers of roaming and stop them from becoming a nuisance in your neighbourhood.

Furthermore, animals that are not safely contained on private property can:

  • become a traffic hazard for motorists
  • risk being injured or injuring persons or other animals
  • display territorial aggression
  • be a danger to wildlife
  • be impounded for their safety and the safety of the community
  • have an increased risk of contracting and spreading diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Canine Parvovirus (Parvo).

Minimum standards and tips

In order to comply with Councils’ local laws on enclosures, consideration should be given to whether:

  • dogs/cats are effectively contained within an adequate enclosure
  • dog/cat runs are constructed of relevant dog or cat proof mesh fencing
  • there are any gaps in the enclosure that require your attention
  • you have installed self-closing/self-latching gates
  • your dog/cat can enter your house/garage from the enclosure? If so, what steps are in place to ensure the dog/cat cannot enter public land or other private property through an open door?

A person who keeps an animal must maintain a proper enclosure in accordance with Councils’ local laws. Generally, this means that the enclosure must stop them from going over, under or through your fence.

It is important to regularly check your enclosure to ensure it continues to be capable of containing your cat/dog.

Enclosures should be constructed and maintained in a way that meet the needs of your animal to ensure they are comfortable, safe and cared for with the inclusion of adequate shade and water.

Community rights

All members of our community have the right to live peacefully without interference from other peoples pets.

Unaccompanied animals roaming the streets are at risk and all residents have a right and responsibility to have them rescued and either taken to a refuge or returned to their owners.

All persons have the right to a clear access to your front door for a lawful purpose.

If you have a dog that may act in a way that causes fear or apprehension to a person, you may wish to display a “do not enter” sign or equivalent.

Animals that are free to roam may cause issues in the neighbourhood and be a danger to themselves.

You must ensure your animal does not wander form your property and if your animal is in a public place the animal must be under the effective control of a person capable of controlling it.

You also have a requirement to provide a proper enclosure that meets the requirements listed in Schedule 8 of Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011.