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Dog Breeder Regulation


The Queensland Government has introduced laws to regulate dog breeding to make it easier to track down breeders who do not protect the welfare of their dogs. All dog breeders need to be registered and have a supply number.

Do I need to register as a dog breeder?

You need to register as a dog breeder if you sell, supply or give away a puppy or dog in Queensland, including:

  • if you are breeding as a hobby
  • if you have an accidental or unplanned litter
  • if you are giving away a puppy or dog
  • animal pounds or shelters that are likely to have pregnant females or abandoned puppies/ dogs in their care
  • if you are from interstate and you are not registered with your state government
  • if you are responsible for a dog that doesn’t have a supply number, even if you did not breed the dog.

When you don’t need to register

Working dogs

There are some exemptions for breeders of working dogs. You don’t need to register if:

  • you are a primary producer or farmer breeding working dogs
  • you are supplying the dogs to other primary producers who will use them as working dogs.

If you want to sell or give away a working dog as a pet, you will need to apply for an exemption number.

A working dog means a dog usually kept:

  • on rural land
  • by an owner who is a primary producer
  • by a person engaged or employed by a primary producer
  • primarily for the purpose of
    • droving, protecting, tending, or working stock
    • being trained in droving, protecting, tending, or working stock.

Pig dogs are not working dogs.

Accredited dog breeder

You won’t need to register with the Queensland Government if you are a dog breeder who is a member of an approved entity. An approved entity is an organisation that accredits a dog breeder, or a local government that has a dog breeder registration scheme, that has been endorsed by the Minister for Agriculture and Primary Industries.

Find out if your organisation or local Council is an approved entity. Your approved entity will issue you with a supply number.

How to register

If you are not registered with an approved entity, you can register as a dog breeder online or over the phone with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Upon registration, you will receive a breeder identification number. There is no fee to register.

You need to renew your registration annually if you want to continue to breed dogs. If there are any changes to your registration details, you need to update these within 7 days.

Selling, giving away and advertising dogs

If you want to sell or give a dog away, or advertise a dog in Queensland, you need to have a supply number. Your supply number is:

Your supply number needs to be included in the dog’s microchip information and on all advertisements.

Pet shops can only sell puppies and dogs from registered breeders, with a supply number. They also need to comply with the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001.

If you sell, give away, supply, or advertise a dog in Queensland without a supply number, you could be issued with a fine.

Complaints about a breeder

Council shares responsibility for managing dog breeder registration compliance with the Queensland Government.

You can make a complaint about an unregistered dog breeder by contacting:

If you have a compliant about animal welfare, contact: