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Council only has a limited role in the management of creeks and waterways across our region with the State government being the principal agency.

For more information refer to the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy website

Somerset Canoe Trails

With constant releases from Wivenhoe Dam, the Mid Brisbane River is guaranteed to be of interest to canoeing and kayaking enthusiasts from far and wide. When added to the still waters in some of our dams there are no shortage of great places to put in a canoe or kayak.

Somerset Regional Council has compiled a list of Somerset Canoe Trails from local enthusiasts who regularly visit our region. The areas shown can be readily accessed and offer year-round canoeing opportunities. Other areas can be explored by more experienced enthusiasts as conditions permit.

Remember to be safe!

Our waterways are all natural and with being natural there are inherent risks that you need to plan for and be prepared. From variable water levels, debris and fast flowing sections after rain, to stray stock and basic launching areas, there is no shortages of challenges on our creeks and rivers.

Respect for the local farmers.

Our waterways are extremely important to our local farmers providing water for stock and crops and may also be grazed by cattle and other animals. Please do not interfere with any stock or improvements such as fences, gates, pumps that you encounter and certainly do not enter any private property without first getting permission from the owners.

Seqwater is one of Australia's largest water businesses in the country. Seqwater manages more than $9 billion of water supply assets and the natural catchments of the region's major water supply sources. This includes the major storages in the Somerset region of Wivenhoe Dam, Lake Somerset Dam and Atkinson's Dam. A review of recreation at these dams has been completed.

For more information refer to Recreation on seqwater

Healthy Land & Water is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation working collaboratively with our members to protect and improve our waterways for future generations to enjoy. Somerset Regional Council is proud to be a member of Healthy Land & Water and is active in a number of Healthy Land & Water projects.

For more information refer to the Healthy Land & Water website