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PAS Info - Tattooing
Post treatment
- dispose of all used single-use items (other than sharps), such as gloves, applicators, ink caps, used tissues and wipes, into the infectious waste bin
- remove the elastic bands and plastic coverings from the tattoo machine and dispose of them into the infectious waste bin
- dismantle tubes, needles and needle bars from the tattoo machine and place them into a puncture-resistant container, which can be sterilised
- clean the area and all equipment:
- tattoo machine – first wipe with a clean dry cloth, then wipe with a clean cotton wool or a pad saturated with 70% w/w ethyl alcohol. Allow to dry naturally. Store hand piece in a clean puncture proof covered container
- motor – use warm water and detergent on a moistened paper towel, then allow to dry
- needle and needle bar - clean and sterilise before breaking the needle and disposing into a sharps waste container
- clean all storage items, including containers and their lids
- clean and sterilise or dispose of ink cap trays.