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PAS Info - Beauty

Closed ear, nose and navel piercing


New disposable gloves must be worn for each client. Sterile gloves should be worn when handling sterile instruments or jewellery.


Closed piercing instruments

Operators should use ear piercing devices that minimise the risk of cross-contamination. Piercing guns designed with disposable cartridges are recommended. They use cartridges containing pre-sterilised studs, clasps, clasp retainers and stud adaptors, and the cartridge can be disposed of immediately after use.

Closed piercing instruments must only be used for their designed purpose and not for other parts of the body, as per manufacturer’s instructions. Keep the manufacturer’s written instructions on the premises where the instrument is used.

Piercing guns must be cleaned and disinfected between clients.



When preparing for closed piercing:

  • open packages containing sterile instruments in front of the client
  • avoid skin contact with instruments
  • insert sterile single-use disposable capsules, containing the stud and butterfly, into the gun
  • mark the site to be pierced before disinfecting the skin
  • prepare client’s skin by swabbing with an antiseptic solution.


When performing closed ear piercing:

  • do not re-use jewellery or fittings on another person unless they have been sterilised 
  • pre-sterilised jewellery accidentally touched before insertion must be resterilised before use or discarded 
  • stud packets that are not sealed and intact must not be used.


Post treatment

After ear piercing:

  • place used single-use disposable items, e.g. clasps and gloves, in a waste container
  • clean the gun with detergent and water to remove any contaminants before re-use on another client
  • sterilise re-usable equipment in accordance with the Infection Control Guidelines for Personal Appearance Services
  • clean the immediate working area in which the procedure was performed
  • store ear piercing guns in a clean and hygienic manner
  • provide your client with after-care information to avoid infection, including:
    • cleaning of site and jewellery
    • infections and what to look for
    • general care instructions
    • healing times