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Kilcoy Streetscape


Kilcoy Streetscape

Somerset Regional Council engaged consultants, AECOM, to assist in delivering the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation project. A major deliverable of the project was the delivery of the Master Plan (Attachment 1) report that defines the critical issues for Kilcoy andprovides a clear and compelling rationale for the proposed changes to the town centre. The master plan illustrates a long-term vision and specific initiatives that promote the gateways and sense of arrival, provide a new town green to act as a central heart and shady, green and safe connections designed with people in mind. This shared vision and master plan provides a foundation for Council, business owners and residents to work together to implement the priority outcomes in a staged and sequenced way for the benefit of Kilcoy.

Engagement Process

Community engagement underpinned the project, which provided opportunities for local residents, workers and business owners to co-define the challenges and opportunities as well as co-design the vision and master plan. Council carried out engagement activities between May and September 2023, allowing necessary time to raise the profile of the project and ensure the community had opportunities to 'Have Their Say'.The engagement program was divided into two phases and there were several community and stakeholder touch points.

Timeline for the project

  • 2021 – Main Roads engages Somerset Regional Council to construct their newly developed plan for the D’Aguilar Highway (William St, Mary St, Hope St). Work is completed December 2021.
  • July 2022 – Council budget for the completion of the concept Master Plan for the Kilcoy Streetscape.
  • May to Sept 2023 – Community engagement on master plan development, including: online, trader door knock, stakeholder breakfast, market pop-ups, co-design workshops.
  • Dec 2023 – Council formally adopts the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation Master Plan
  • October 2024 – After undertaking an Expression of Interest process to appoint community representatives to the Kilcoy Streetscape Advisory Committee, the first meeting of the committee is held.
  • October 2024 - Designs for the Aston Park Car Park considered by the committee.

Kilcoy Streetscape Advisory Committee

Shane Williams, Lee Robinson, Cheryl Gaedtke, Sally Wright, Vicki Sweedman, Paul Misipeka

Cr Hurley, Cr Isidro and Mayor Wendt

Next Steps

  • Complete detailed concept plans for all parts of the Streetscape project scope
  • Consult with the committee and the community on the detailed designs
  • Obtain Estimates for the cost of the project/s
  • Apply for funding for part or all of the project/s
  • Procurement and delivery of Stage 1 – Eastern Gateway (Aston Park Car Park) and landscaping

Key Project Dates

Next Advisory Committee Meeting - Feb 25


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