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ERA - Info

Do I need an approval?


ERAs are defined and categorised under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019 dependent upon their potential risk to the environment. 


Who needs an approval?

A business that conducts any of the following activities requires an environmental authority from Council. Note - If you are unsure if your business requires a development approval and environmental authority, contact Council.

  • ERA 6 Asphalt Manufacturing
  • ERA 12 Plastic Product Manufacturing (50t or more of plastic products/yr; or 5t or more of foam, composite plastics or rigid fibre-reinforced plastics/yr)
  • ERA 19 Metal Forming (10000t or more/yr)
  • ERA 38 Surface Coating (anodising, electroplating, enameling or galvanising using 1t to 100t of surface coating materials in a year)
  • ERA 49 Boat Maintenance or Repair

A full list of ERAs, including those that require approval by State Government, can be found in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019


Who does not need an approval?

If the activity related to your business is not included in the table, you still have a responsibility to comply with the General Environmental Duty (Section 319), other relevant legislation, and other related applications to ensure that your business does not have an adverse impact on the environment.

A list of all ERAs can be found in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.