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Waste Facilities

Coominya Refuse and Recycling Centre

137 Wills Road
Phone: 0428 854 690
Open daily from Wednesday to Sunday
8 am to 5 pm
Closed Monday, Tuesday, and all public holidays

Esk Refuse and Recycling Centre and Landfill

30 Murrumba Road
3km out off Esk-Kilcoy Road

Phone: (07) 5424 2976
Open daily from Friday to Tuesday
8 am to 5 pm
Closed Wednesday, Thursday and all public holidays

Harlin Refuse and Recycling Centre

8752 Brisbane Valley Highway
1.3km south of D'Aguilar Highway (north of Harlin)

Phone: (07) 5423 5179
Open daily from Friday to Sunday
9 am to 5 pm
Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and public holidays

Kilcoy Refuse and Recycling Centre

107 Carseldine Street
Phone: 0408 733 789
Open daily from Friday to Tuesday
8 am to 5 pm
Closed Wednesday, Thursday and all public holidays

You can also visit the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland website for other Local Government asbestos disposal locations and information.

Bin service days and other property-specific information can be found in the eServices section of our website.


Bin Collection Calendar

Somerset Bin App

Recycling Information 


Fireweed disposal at no charge

Fireweed can be disposed of at the Esk Landfill at no charge.

  • The material must be transported directly to the Esk Landfill within a securely tied, sturdy, plastic garbage bag.  Broken bags will not be accepted and should not be transported.
  • The material must not be mixed with any other waste (including other green waste) or fees will apply for disposal.
  • Fees will apply to fireweed taken to Coominya, Harlin and Kilcoy transfer stations for disposal.


Changes to waste collection in Somerset

Somerset Regional Council introduced kerbside recycling as standard for all service properties and upgraded all 140 litre waste bins to 240 litres in the 2022/2023 financial year. This service was introduced in response to demand from residents and to reduce the amount of rubbish being put into our landfill.

Every cubic metre of space taken up in our landfill reduces the life of the landfill. Reduce the cubic metres of landfill waste by increasing kerbside recycling delays the cost of future waste infrastructure upgrades.

The seven-year waste contract is with Ipswich City Council’s Waste Services unit. Ipswich Waste was appointed following an exhaustive competitive process which was overseen by independent consultants, Peak Services.


Creating a recycling scheme to keep Queensland beautiful.

Containers for Change scheme lets people get a 10 cent refund for each eligible container returned to a refund point. Find out more and sign up now at the Containers for Change website.

