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Economic Development - Small Business Friendly


Somerset commits to being Small Business Friendly

The Somerset Regional Council cemented its support for the region’s small businesses by signing the Small Business Friendly Councils (SBFC) charter on 14 April 2021.


By signing this charter, we made a pledge to support small business which has never been more important than now with such trying and unpredictable times. Council is committed to raising the profile and capability of small business and supporting business resilience and recovery. We also vow to continue promoting and showcasing small business.


The Small Business Friendly (SBF) Program brings people together around a common goal to enhance the operating environment for small businesses and provide the opportunities they need to thrive.


As a Small Business Friendly Program member, Somerset Regional Council will:

✓ Actively communicate and engage with small businesses

✓ Raise the profile and capability of small businesses

✓ Promote and showcase small businesses

✓ Develop and promote place-based programs for small businesses

✓ Simplify administration and regulation for small business (red tape reduction)

✓ Ensure fair procurement and prompt payment terms for small businesses

✓ Support small business resilience and recovery

✓ Measure and report on our performance


We will actively communicate and engage with small businesses

  • Actively engage and be mindful of small businesses, their issues and priorities when making decisions.
  • Communicate clearly in a timely manner both formally and informally.
  • Engage with statewide partners where appropriate on matters affecting small businesses.
  • Publish clear service standards stating what small businesses can expect from us.


We will raise the profile and capability of small businesses

  • Publicly recognise and value the importance of small businesses to our community and local economy.
  • Encourage campaigns to promote small business and local spending.
  • Help small businesses develop networks, access education, and increase their capabilities.
  • Assist small businesses to access government, business and industry programs and resources.


We will promote and showcase small businesses

  • Encourage and promote small business engagement via marketing and communication channels (e.g., engaging with local small businesses, collaborating with local chamber of commerce etc.).
  • Create awareness by promoting the Small Business Friendly (SBF) program (e.g. using the SBF identifier online, in marketing collateral and in communication materials).
  • Share successes, ideas and learnings with Small Business Friendly members and other stakeholders.
  • Allow the Queensland Small Business Commissioner to promote our Small Business Friendly activities and


We will develop and promote place-based programs for small businesses

  • Identify, develop, promote and deliver at least two existing or new placed-based programs to support businesses to start, grow and become more resilient.


We will simplify administration and regulation for small business (red tape reduction)

  • Limit unnecessary administration and take steps to ensure continuous business improvement.
  • Make it easier for small businesses to comply with administrative and/or regulatory requirements.
  • Administer requirements in a consistent manner in collaboration with key stakeholders.
  • Regularly review and streamline administrative and/or regulatory arrangements to reduce red tape.
  • Maintain a simple, timely and cost-effective internal review and complaints management system.


We will ensure fair procurement and prompt payment terms for small businesses

  • Implement a procurement policy that gives small businesses a fair go to supply goods and services.
  • Help small businesses find local procurement opportunities and make tendering quick and easy.
  • Pay all valid invoices from small business suppliers within a stated reasonable period.


We will support small business resilience and recovery

  • With support from statewide partners, deliver short, medium, and long-term activities to support small business recovery and resilience following significant business disruption and disasters.
  • Implement policies and practices for managing business disruption (e.g., supporting and working with small businesses to minimise disruption during capital works projects, transformational change etc).


We will measure and report on our performance

  • Seek regular feedback from small businesses to help drive continuous business improvement.
  • Monitor our performance against this charter and ensure we are meeting our commitments.
  • Submit our annual SBF Report to the QSBC by 30 September each year (for the previous financial year).