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Economic Development - Major Projects
Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation
Somerset Regional Council engaged consultants, AECOM, to assist in delivering the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation project. A major deliverable of the project was the delivery of the Master Plan (Attachment 1) report that defines the critical issues for Kilcoy and provides a clear and compelling rationale for the proposed changes to the town centre.
The master plan illustrates a long-term vision and specific initiatives that promote the gateways and sense of arrival, provide a new town green to act as a central heart and shady, green and safe connections designed with people in mind.
This shared vision and master plan provides a foundation for Council, business owners and residents to work together to implement the priority outcomes in a staged and sequenced way for the benefit of Kilcoy.
Engagement Process
Community engagement underpinned the project, which provided opportunities for local residents, workers and business owners to co-define the challenges and opportunities as well as co-design the vision and master plan.
Council carried out engagement activities between May and September 2023, allowing necessary time to raise the profile of the project and ensure the community had opportunities to 'Have Their Say'.
The engagement program was divided into two phases and there were several community and stakeholder touch points. They included:
Phase 1: Place Positioning + Engagement
- Online engagement #1: Was hosted via council’s website in the form of a survey. It featured 10 questions and the survey was open from the 10th of May to the 10th of June. The online survey was promoted to local school students. Over 100 responses were received from Year 12 and 8 students in the area. This information is of significant value to the project team in terms of understanding the perspective of the region's youth, a demographic group traditionally underrepresented in traditional engagement processes.
Trader door knock: The trader door knock was held on the 10th May during which the team visited over 20 local traders. The trader door knock was primarily an opportunity to build rapport with local business owners and to invite them to attend the breakfast. It was also an opportunity to promote the online engagement.
- Stakeholder breakfast: The stakeholder breakfast was held on the 23rd of May at the Kilcoy Visitor Information Centre. Approximately 35 people attended this session including local businesses, stakeholder groups, Councillors, Council staff and members of the community. The breakfast ran for 90 minutes and served to clearly introduce the project and explore aspirations for the future.
- Market pop-up #1: Market pop-up engagement occurred at the monthly Yowie Markets on the 27th of May. Members of the project team were available for the duration of the markets from 7am-12:30pm. The pop-up featured a number of activities encouraging community to share their thoughts and ideas. Over the course of the day the team had more then 50 conversations with interested stakeholders who were visiting the markets along with stall operators.
- Co-design workshop: The co-design workshop was an important touch point, held on then 7th of June. There were over 40 attendees representing a variety of local backgrounds. This session was an opportunity to unpack the ideas and aspirations gathered to date and to start looking at way this information could be translated through on the group improvements.
Phase 2: Master Plan Development
- Online engagement #2: Was hosted via council’s website in the form of a survey. It featured a number of questions with supportive imagery to depict key messages of the draft master plan.
- Market pop-up #2: Market pop-up engagement occurred at the monthly Yowie Markets on the 29th of July. Members of the project team were available for the duration of the markets from 7am-12:30pm.
- Final community feedback session: Held on the14th September 2023 in Kilcoy. This was the final engagement touch point.
Implementation & Next Steps
The preparation of the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation Project is the first step in the process. Delivery relies on the Somerset Regional Council and key stakeholders working together to deliver the outcomes that benefit Kilcoy.
The next steps in the Kilcoy Streetscape Revitalisation Project include:
- On-going engagement between Somerset Regional Council and key stakeholders
- Developing a program for delivery of the master plan and initiatives
- Investment attraction and marketing the business and development opportunities
- Activation overlay and events planning
- Assigning a Place Manager to coordinate activities
- Measuring progress and effectiveness of the strategy.
Lowood Futures Strategy
Somerset Regional Council (Council) has prepared the Lowood Futures Strategy. The Strategy will:
- Outline opportunities to become a regionally attractive destination and secure new investment.
- Provide a vision and concept master plan that amplifies the town’s unique brand and identity.
- Identify the priority policy, development and infrastructure responses required to achieve the vision and master plan.
- Be developed collaboratively with the community, business and government stakeholders.
Council has worked with members of the local community, via the establishment of a local community reference group, to develop a Vision and Draft Concept Master Plan for Lowood to guide the Lowood Futures Strategy.