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Development Applications


Online Services

By using Council's eServices site you can check for applications that are recorded over a property including decision notices and other documents where applicable, the zoning of an allotment and if there are any planning overlays affecting an allotment.

Property enquiry

Development application enquiry

Decision Notices

Council is required under Planning Regulation 2017, schedule 22, part 2, section 7 (1)(b), to publish the following documents on Council’s website.

  • each decision notice for a development application, change application or extension application, and each negotiated decision notice, given by the assessment manager, including any plans and specifications approved by the assessment manager in relation to the notice;
  •  each decision notice for a development application, change application or extension application, and each negotiated decision notice, a copy of which was given to the assessment manager by a chosen assessment manager;
  •  each notice of the cancellation of a development approval given to the assessment manager by a chosen assessment manager;
  •  each deemed approval notice given to the assessment manager;
  •  each decision notice on a change application given to the assessment manager under section 83(1) of the Act.

Council has these documents available since amalgamations in 2008, and they can be found by conducting a property search or development application search on Council’s eServices site.

If you would like assistance please contact Council.

NOTE: Building and plumbing decision notices are not available electronically; however you can contact Council to obtain a copy.

Public Notification

During the notification period, any person other than the applicant or a referral agency may make a submission to the assessment manager about the application.  The Notification period only applies to Impact assessable development applications.

A submission is a written comment about a development application made by any interested member of the community (for example, person, group or organisation) about a development application.  A submission may:

  •  object to all or part of the development, and /or
  •  support all or part of the application

The assessment manager must accept a submission if the submission is a properly made submission.  In order to be considered a properly made submission, the submission must:

  •  be in writing and, unless the submission is made electronically, be signed by each person who made the submission;
  •  be received during the notification period;
  •  state the name and residential or business address of each person who made the submission;
  •  state one postal or electronic address for service relating to the submission for all submission-makers (for applications lodged under the Planning Act 2016);
  •  state the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds; and
  •  be made to the assessment manager.

By making a properly made submission about an application, a submitter gains the right to appeal to the Planning and Environment Court (the court) about any decision made by the assessment manager about the application.

For further information please refer to chapter 6, part 4, division 3 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 or section 53 of the Planning Act 2016 and part 4 of the Development Assessment Rules. Alternatively, contact Council on (07) 5424 4000.

View applications currently on Public Notification.