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Declared Pest Programs


Invasive Animal Programs

Council provides the following programs to assist landholders in meeting their responsibilities to control restricted invasive animals:

The Dingo/Wild Dog Bounty Program operates 8.30am–10:30am every third Wednesday of the month from the Esk and Kilcoy Council depots.

Wild Dog Control Program

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has partnered with Somerset Regional Council to conduct a wild dog baiting program throughout Somerset in an effort to control wild dog numbers.

Important information when baiting with 1080:

  • Baiting can be carried out within 5km of a town. Prior approval from an authorised Council officer is required, increased risk mitigation and conditions apply.
  • Baits cannot be laid within 50m of a roadway or within 5m of a boundary fence.
  • Notification of 72 hours must be given to all adjoining neighbours (including across roadways).
  • An authority to sign form is required if obtaining baits for another person.
  • You must supply your rates notice.
  • Unconsumed baits are to be retrieved within seven days and destroyed.

Council's 1080 Baiting Program dates and locations for 2024 are as follows:

Dates  Locations
11 March Middle Creek, Bryden, 7.30am-9am
11 March Fernvale Camp Draft Grounds, 10.30am-12pm
11 March Kilcoy Showgrounds, 7.30am-9am
11 March Moore Pony Club Grounds, Station Street, 10.30am-12pm


  • Please ensure all meat is fresh and well drained and baits must be fist sized (approximately 250g in South East Queensland areas).
  • No bones, rotten meat or carcasses will be impregnated.
  • Baits must be transported in stable, sealable leak-proof containers and all baits are to be laid as soon as possible as it is illegal to store impregnated baits.

For more information or to report pest animal sightings or attacks please contact Council's pest management section on (07) 5424 4000.

Invasive Plant Programs

Council provides the following programs to assist landholders in meeting their responsibilities to control restricted invasive plants:

For more information or to report pest plant sightings please contact Council's pest management section on (07) 5424 4000.