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Volatile Terrain now open at The Condensery

THE SOMERSET art community flocked to The Condensery – Somerset Regional Art Gallery for the opening of the inaugural Harvest Biennial on Saturday, 15 February....

Published: 18th February 2025


THE SOMERSET art community flocked to The Condensery – Somerset Regional Art Gallery for the opening of the inaugural Harvest Biennial on Saturday, 15 February.

Volatile Terrain, the first of the two-yearly exhibition series, is a collaborative exhibition featuring artwork from five Somerset artists and eight internationally renowned artists.


Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Helen Brieschke had the honour of opening the first Harvest Biennial.

“This project is a rare opportunity for emerging regional artists to feature their work alongside other renowned Australian artists,” Cr Brieschke said.

“There will be a suite of talks, workshops and activities led by the featured artists and I strongly encourage our community to get involved.”

Somerset artists Naomi McKenzie, Shirley Gregor, Cassandra Hodgins, Sandi Hook and Jim Filmer at the opening for Volatile Terrain.


Guest curator Cara-Ann Simpson worked alongside Somerset artists Cassandra Hodgins, Jim Filmer, Naomi McKenzie, Sandi Hook and Shirley Gregor to develop the exhibition.

“The process has been really fantastic,” Ms Simpson said.

“I was able to work with these artists across a year with professional and creative development and use their conceptual development to invite state and nationally recognised artists into the show as well.

“It’s been quite inspirational to see the way the artists have taken their theme and expanded their practices as well.

“That’s been a wonderful journey for everyone, including myself, to be part of that practice evolution.”

The Master family with artist Naomi McKenzie and her work, Elemental Reciprocity, which captures a Scar Tree on Dungibara Country on the Masters family property.


Ms Simpson said Harvest Biennial was the first project of its kind in regional Australia.

“There is an incredible opportunity for The Condensery to firmly establish its reputation as prioritising local regional artists at its core.”

Jill O’Sullivan with artist Sandi Hook and her piece, Archaeological Dig – Layers of Meaning.


Volatile Terrain is open until 27 April 2025.

This project was made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, provided through Regional Arts Australia, administered in Queensland by Flying Arts Alliance.

Further assistance is provided by the Regional Arts Development Fund, a partnership between the Queensland Government and Somerset Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Artist and photographer Jim Filmer with his piece, Mairwar: Altered, Impacted, Contained.


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