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Council to start managing fire ants in its patch

SOMERSET Regional Council will, from 1 July, be responsible for surveillance and treatment of fire ant on Council owned or controlled land following changes imposed from the State Government...

Published: 27th June 2024


SOMERSET Regional Council will, from 1 July, be responsible for surveillance and treatment of fire ant on Council owned or controlled land following changes imposed from the State Government.

Somerset Mayor Jason Wendt said the changes are significant and highlight what a huge biosecurity risk fire ants were to the country.

“Council is supportive of the National Fire Ant Eradication Program and we want to see the program succeed because any failure will have a detrimental impact on not only Somerset but Australia,” Cr Wendt said.

“Council is however concerned that the changes, under the new State response plan will place a significant strain on Council resources and come at an additional cost.”


Under the changes, local governments will now be responsible for managing fire ants on Council land which was previously the responsibility of the National Fire Ant Eradication Program.

In December 2023, Council first raised its concerns to the relevant minister requesting additional resources to self-manage fire ants on Council land within the Fire Ant Suppression Area.

“Disappointingly, no tangible resourcing or funding for council has been forthcoming,” he said.


The changes will require council to conduct surveillance for fire ants on Council land (owned, leased or managed), conduct treatment (reactive and preventative) on council land and respond to public reports for fire ants on Council land.

“These changes in expectations and management will have significant impacts on council,” Cr Wendt said.

“Council calls upon the State Government to provide Council $300,000 per year for four years for extra on-ground resources for Council to coordinate and undertake additional activities in the fire ant suppression area.”

Somerset residents still need to direct all enquiries about fire ants including suspected sightings to the National Fire Ant Eradication Program on 132523 or at   


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