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KYC - YAMBI Program

Service name
07 5212 1019
Unit 6, 42 Beerburrum Rd Caboolture
Service program
YAMBI works with young people aged 12 – 21 years across the Moreton Bay regional area. YAMBI works with young people individually or with their family where support is needed. YAMBI can support 8-11 year old children if we are supporting a sibling 12-21 years. YAMBI works with young people in several ways: - Providing support and pathways to find the right services to meet your needs. - Working with you to achieve your goals. - Working with you when lots of things are going wrong and you need intensive support to work it all out. - Supporting young people and parents / carers together as families. - Helping young people and families work through challenges in their relationships. - Supporting young people and families to find the right services and supports to meet their needs.
Geographic coverage area
Now includes Kilcoy
Model of service delivery
Can include outreach to Kilcoy
Eligibility criteria (including age)
12-21 years
Referral pathways
Self refer
Funded through contract
Funded by the QLD Government – Department of Child Safety, Youth & Women.
Hours of operation
8:30 to 5pm Monday to Friday,